Teeth Whitening

There are many products and techniques available for patients who want to achieve a brighter smile, and with so many options available, it can be difficult to choose the method that is right for you. The best way to begin any teeth-whitening regimen is to schedule an appointment and talk to your doctor about the differences between in-office professional whitening and at-home whitening.

At-Home Teeth Whitening

  • Tray Whitening

Tray bleaching is a type of professional whitening that uses custom-made trays and whitening gel only available through your dentist. The whitening gel is placed in custom-fitted trays that fit perfectly over your teeth. As the peroxide in the gel breaks down, hydroxyradicals help whiten stained teeth. Unlike strips, this process whitens all your natural teeth and may contain ingredients intended to provide maximum comfort. At-home professional tray whitening generally takes ten to 14 days, although you may notice results in as little as three to five days.

  • Invisalign At Home Tray Whitening

All-in-one whitening system, from gel to trays. Apply bleach gel to trays and wear for 8-10 hours or overnight.

  • Opalesence Go Trays

Ready to use right out of the box. The UltraFit disposable trays conform to any smile. Wear 15–20 minutes for 5–10 days.

Philips Zoom! whitening

Philips Zoom!

You deserve a bright, confident smile. Professional, in-office teeth whitening with Philips Zoom is safe, simple, and one of the fastest ways to improve the beauty of your smile. Plus, Philips Zoom is championed by dentists and patients as a pain-free, easy process.

Zoom WhiteSpeed Light-Activated Whitening System

The Zoom Chairside Light-Activated Gel greatly accelerates and enhances the whitening process, and delivers the dramatic results you will love. Along with the all-new Whitening LED Accelerator, your teeth can become up to eight shades lighter in just 45 minutes!

The gel and light work together gently to break up the stains on your teeth, while leaving the structure of your teeth unchanged. After just three 15-minute applications in one hour, you rinse and the treatment is complete, leaving you with a brighter, whiter smile.

Is Philips Zoom right for you?

Almost anyone can benefit from teeth whitening, though the treatment may not be as effective for some as it is for others. Zoom achieves the greatest success in treating yellow staining from aging, tobacco, dark cola, tea, coffee, or red wine. If your teeth have gray shading from tetracycline or other chemicals, you may still see improved results, though they may be less dramatic. Your dentist will be able to determine the ideal level of whitening for your individual smile during your personalized shade assessment.

A beautiful, sparkling smile can give you a whole new outlook on life. Contact us today to schedule an appointment for Philips Zoom whitening!

If you would like to learn more about teeth whitening, please contact our practice to schedule an appointment.